Wednesday, November 29, 2017

30 Days of Christmas, Day 4: Wish Books '64 to '68

This will be the next to last post for a few weeks from the early days of the South Belt Christmas.

Tomorrow, we'll check out the early 70s Wish Books, but then we're going to hop forward and start at the end. 

Or, at least the end of the time frame set for this Archive, at 1997, and work our way backwards to 1976 when The Leader began publishing as we approach Christmas Day.

Today, some 60s goodness from the Sears Christmas Wishbooks. 

I just went through the '64, '66, and '68 books before I felt like it was going to be a really long post and I'd lose half of you.

Please check out the amazing Wishbook Web and flip though "your" years at your leisure. 

When the Wish Book arrived, you knew it was officially the season. 

For the purposes of keeping to the Archive's timeframe, we'll start in 1964 when the first families of Sagemont had only just moved in and the folks over in the Beverly Hills area were looking forward to more paved roads.

 Beverly Hills subdivision. Those red markings are where the Foley's will be built in 2 years

Zoomed over the Sagemont subdivision, Gulf Freeway at right, September 1964

From the 1964 Wishbook

when Vincent Price was apparently a Sears Tastemaker

And people still wore really cool hats

from the "high tech" arena, with more Vincent Price (like that could ever be a bad thing), for only $148.50! (2017 = $1172.60)

($799.95 = $6,316.99 in 2017)

Barbie had a rockin' 'do

Barbie's furnishings compliment the fantastic fashion slipcovers for your own living room!

there are all kinds of fun ways to get a quick snapshot of the pop culture of the year. 
One is to check out the viewmaster reels included in the catalog:

and to get a feel for the car body styles popular that year? Check out the slot cars in the toy section

1966 Foley's, without Almeda Mall yet

in fashion... hats are starting to become tough to find

shag! Not JUST for carpet!

in Tech

$929.95 = $7,025.89 in 2017

(I have the scars to prove it. Guess it wasn't meant to be a jungle gym for little tomboys.)

Almeda Mall opened October, 1968

And Dobie High School was constructed and opened a month prior

In today's money, that's dropping more than $11k on a suit of armor

I don't think can quite fall under "fashion" so let's move on...

we must have very different definitions of what constitutes "jeans"

double knit acetate. Guaranteed this stuff is going to be dug whole out of landfills in the distant future as a testament to the dark ages' long-wearing fabric. 


consoles are starting to drop. 
This one for $629.95 will only run you  $4431.12 in 2017 dollar value.

brown has given way to avocado

tune in tomorrow for some early 70s Wishbook goodness!

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