Tuesday, November 28, 2017

30 Days of Christmas, Day 3: My Early 70s Christmas

If I'm going to be able to stretch it out 30 days, you'll have to oblige me.

Same time frame as yesterday, a little closer to home. From my personal collection. Me at ages 2 - 5.

My stocking stuffers in 1972: an apple, walnuts, Poppin Fresh (later just called the the Pillsbury Dough Boy), green plastic Mickey Mouse and yellow plastic Donald Duck, behind me a package of balloons, some tube socks, and in my hands, some "bootie socks" just like my grandmother wore. 

(They made me get in a dress for Christmas morning. Bleh.)
The present: Poppy, Poppin' Fresh's girlfriend 

and new roller skates! Also appreciate the poncho.

1973 and my Fisher Price Family Play House

And with my Dressy Bessy 

As an only child with only two cousins who were a decade older than me, a rare photo of the three of us at Christmas with my bowling set. 

1974 and some blue suede shoes

Rub a Dub Dolly

Snoopy Viewmaster!

Christmas 1975, playing with the Nativity set, getting over a nasty case of the chicken pox 

the big present that year was my very own desk and chair

But this was a BIG Christmas. It was the last in our house at 10210 Kirkdale. Next Christmas we'd be moved into 11222 Sageville until I graduated in 1988.

Weebles! (I still collect these) 

Play-Doh alongside Walking Baby Loves You

which my grandmother picked out and really wanted to play with

yes, I clearly needed more red in my wardrobe. But this photo included mainly for all the boxes in the background. Perks of an only child. Also, Rub a Dub Dolly gets a Tugboat Shower. 

you'd pull Snoopy as the Red Baron backwards enough to wind him and watch him go. He never seemed to take flight though, unless I launched him myself.

note the Raggedy Ann and Andy Executive Desk Set
because nothing screams executive like two rag doll clowns on your desk.

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