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Friday, January 19, 2018

Almeda Mall, October 16, 1968 Grand Opening

In the week of Almeda Mall's opening, Stan Begram's Bel-Air Photographers shot this photo that was run on at least four occasions in the following year in The Houston Chronicle, according to stamps on the back of the photograph: 

October 16, 1968

November 18, 1968

January 1, 1969

June 27, 1969

The best part about owning the hard copy of the photograph is scanning it and being able to zoom in and check out details. To share those with you, requires letting the original size kind of spill over the pretty margins of the archive, but I think it's worth it. This is in two parts, left and right of the original. 

In the left side, the marquee is not yet installed. The original signage is visible where it would be erected in the coming year.  There also seems to be some type of crane activity happening in the parking lot in front of the Palais Royal doors

On the right side of the photo, there is a temporary building in the parking lot whose sign I cannot make out, along with the canopies and skylights and fantastic Foley's sign and awnings.

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