Thursday, November 30, 2017

30 Days of Christmas, Day 5: Wishbooks '70 - '75

It's 1970!

In the South Belt, check out the brand new houses going up on Kirkdale in the background from the Dobie fields! (My apologies to the Most Athletic couple of Dobie 1969-1970, but I had to crop you out. . . except for Bill Aten's fine head of hair.)

And the COMPLETE lack of trees.

The Houston skyline looks like this:

and yours truly looked like this

wigs were IN

imagine spending the equivalent of $2700 for a microwave today.

63.50!!! That's over $400 in today's money

TAWNY GOLD is the now color, don'tcha know

Flash forward to 1972

Dobie is getting its first addition added

but some things will always look the same (except for the locker colors)

Another time hop

new addition is complete. And the neighborhood is starting to have visible trees!

(they don't have a 1974 yet!)
The keyword of the year: LEISURE

microwaves are dropping in price quickly

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