Tuesday, October 24, 2017

7655 Bellfort Original Southeast Memorial Hospital in Houston

7655 Bellfort was the site of the second new expansion of Memorial Baptist hospital, which opened its doors Dec. 1, 1963 and was dedicated in a ceremony Sunday, March 15, 1964.

The Houston Chronicle ran this photo along with the dedication ceremony information on Wednesday, March 11, 1964.

A couple of years ago, the Park Place Facebook page posted a photo of the place, asking who had memories of the place and garnered 186 comments, one of them mine. It happened that they posted it on July 28, which was the day I born at that hospital.

Yesterday, I posted a stitched together photo from my own Dad's super8 film reel of the day I was born in 1970, when the grass had grown in nicely from that early photo above.

and posted it on our Facebook page yesterday and within 24 hours we had more than 60 comments of folks who were born there, had their kids there, and various accidents and illnesses treated here. 

Lauren Meyers had a Google street view of the place in 2011:

I find it amazing there is so little information about the place online. 

It's strange that Google searches come up with almost nothing about the hospital at this location. What little I can piece together: In 1986 the Memorial Southeast hospital opened in the South Belt area and the building changed over into other health related offices. Hurricane Ike did significant damage to the building in 2008 and the address hit the Swamplot Demolition Report  on August 31, 2012. 

The lot stand vacant since that time. The property comes up as available for sale

But of the interiors, the chapel, the fountain and the blue window trim, there is next to nothing. 

Seeking any and all photos anyone might have of the place. Inside, nursery, rooms, hallways, anything!


  1. Wow. I was born there I'm told after the worst storms the night before ever. I used to think that was a joke but when I talk to people who were adults around that time, July 5, 1970, a lot of people remember it. There was a long standing joke that all of my ER trips to get stitched together paid to keep the place open. My pediatrician's office was in the building adjacent (I think).

    1. WOW ! You are correct, I am trying to get info on Dr. Stumer, orthopedic surgeon, who did back surgery on me at SE Memorial in the 70's and cannot find a smidgeon on line. Dr. Stumer passed and another Dr. took up his position and performed a 2nd back surgery on me some 5 years after my 1st surgery, I understand both Dr.s were on the oilers staff of physicians at the time. Stumer was a reknowned spine Doc !

  2. WOW ! You are correct, I am trying to get info on Dr. Stumer, orthopedic surgeon, who did back surgery on me at SE Memorial in the 70's and cannot find a smidgeon on line. Dr. Stumer passed and another Dr. took up his position and performed a 2nd back surgery on me some 5 years after my 1st surgery, I understand both Dr.s were on the oilers staff of physicians at the time. Stumer was a reknowned spine Doc !

  3. All sad that this innovative Hospital has been forgotten in 1964 when I hit earth Aug 27 and my little Brother Oct 11 1969 I still remember my moms sister and uncle when we drove there to see my kid brother and mom in her quilted House coat coming out hug us

  4. I was born therein 1965. The youngest of 4 all my siblings were born at St Joseph's Downtown.
    Came across my original birth certificate from the hospital when I was getting my kids registered for school. This is the first time I have found any posting on the hospital

  5. ifou were born hereSept.26 1964..put up for adoption and are male I may know your dad...jody powers
