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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

South Belt Leader Video Series Part 5: 1979

This is Part of 5 of a series brought to you by the South Belt Houston Digital History Archive. 

1979 was the year of Tropical Storm Claudette, which would flood countless homes in the South Belt, and kick off an earnest drive to improve flood control measures. It was the year of gas rationing and inflation. And Urban Cowboy was in the area filming that summer, which meant John Travolta got his photo in the paper, too. 

Texas Commerce Bank, South Belt, broke ground in May and hosted the first Christmas "Snow" that December. 

In 1979 the paper did features on a number of the area schools. They also published photos of the brand new school going up in South Bend, Weber Elementary.

The clock will turn to the 80s in the next installment and South Bend will turn up more and more as that decade progresses. But for now, it's still a sleepy little neighborhood under construction just down the road from the Little League fields.

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