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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

12/10/1965 Ayrshire Corp's Sign Problem

Found among the UH Foley's correspondence, a letter to Foley's President R.W. Dundas from Holcombe Crosswell of Ayrshire Corp., December 10, 1965:

In accordance with Mr. Burge's conversation with you, we are requesting your permission to put a temporary sign-panel in the East-Northeast corner of Foley's Almeda-Genoa property near the Kingspoint-Gulf Freeway intersection. 

As you know, we are about to start a new subdivision between Beverly Hills and Sagemont whose entrance from the Gulf Freeway will be via Fuqua Street. The visibility of the new project from the freeway at the Fuqua exit is blocked by the Breeze-Way Dance Hall. In order to effectively direct traffic into the subdivision we are going to erect a 50 foot panel behind the Breezeway and would like to put a regular sign on your property. The proposed sign on your property would contain the subdivision name and the phrase "Next Exit" and would be approximately 16' x 30' and 30' high.

We would like to emphasize that we are requesting only a temporary location, something on he order of 18 months, and that we would remove the sign on 10 days notice. In addition, we will submit a sketch of the sign for your approval before erecting it. 

We both realize the importance of signs, especially during the early states of a project, and for that reason we are hopeful that your group will grant us our request. 


Holcombe Crosswell

P.S. We will be providing you approximately 1,000 shopping families in addition to our Sagemont development. 

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