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Monday, June 2, 2014

July 31, 1975 Dobie Gets a Swimming Pool

At the meeting Cecil Ghormley, a member of the school board, stated that rumors had been going around that the money used to build the pool would take money away from teacher salaries, supplies, libraries, etc. 

Dr. Meyer had stated that the cost of building a pool had gone up considerably since $200,000 had been appropriated in the 1972 pool bond issue. He stressed that building the pool would not affect the raise in pay which the teachers are getting, but that the money while will be used for the pool, over and above the money already appropriated, would come from redirecting bond money. 

Contact for the pool was awarded to Dansky and Miller Construction. When contacted after the school board meeting, Bill Miller, of Dansky and Miller, stated that construction on the pool should begin around September 1st and depending on the weather, should be finished in four to six months. 

Felix Martinez, swim coach at Dobie last year, said that having a pool at Dobie will be a good thing for the Dobie Swim team. Last year's teams had only 40 members. He said that this number was very probably held down, due to the fact that to participate in the swim program students had to be at Southmore Intermediate pool at 6:35 a.m., supplying their own transpotation, swim til about 8:15 a.m., eat breakfast, and reach Dobie in time for classes at 9 a.m. Martinez feels the pool will definitely be an asset to the swim program at Dobie. 

 The 13 members in the 1970 yearbook

No team photo in the '77 yearbook, but a note that there were 40 members and the first year for Coach Shippey.

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