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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

11/17/88 Student Dies Following Shooting

An investigation into the death of Dobie High School football player Ira Hewett continued following the 16-year-old's funeral Wednesday. 

Homicide investigators said they are waiting on final results of an autopsy and the possibility witnesses may come forward before additional charges are filed. 

Hewett's father, 40-year-old Donald Rode Hewett of the 12200 block of Beamer told investigators he accidentally shot his son in the chest Tuesday Nov. 8 on the Godfather's Pizza parking lot in the 10000 block of Fuqua. 

Hewett told police the gun went off as he and his son struggled over the gun. Hewett has been charged with unlawfully carrying a weapon. 

Sources close to the family say the father and son had been arguing for some time over a number of differences. Homicide detectives said the initial report by investigators at the scene indicated an argument preceded the shooting. 

Another source said that although reports indicate Hewett was shot in the chest, the bullet actually entered at the collar bone region, striking the bone, then travelling through the chest into the lung. 

Houston Police Sgt. J.W. Ellis said no witnesses have been located. Investigators are asking any witneeses to the Nov. 8 shooting please contact homicide investigators at 247-5418. Witnesses may also call Trigg Gardner or Marie Flickinger at the South Belt-Ellington Leader at 481-5656. 

"Without any witnesses, we're pretty much at a standstill for the moment. We're waiting on the test to come in, but it would help if anyone who say anything would contact us, " said Ellis. 

Employees at the restaurant said witnesses were on the parking lot at the time of the shooting but were reluctant to come forward. 

Investigators said they were unable to talk with the Dobie junior before he died at 3:35 p.m. Nov. 10 because he never regained consciousness. 

Hewett underwent three surgeries in an attempt to remove the bullet from his lung. 

Hewett was a starting cornerback for the Dobie Longhorns. 

A memorial fund in Hewett's name has been set up at Harrisburg Bank. The fund was started by family friend H.A. Galen and James W. "Chip" Allen, president of the bank. Contributions may be sent to the Ira Hewitt Memorial Fund, P.O. Box 5271 Houston, Texas, 77262-5278. 

For more information on the memorial fund call 923-2801. (Hewett is the correct spelling. The bank inadvertently set up the fund's paperwork as Hewitt.)